First of all, proceed to the Follow section.
Here you will see the ratings for the best Follow accounts.
On the Follow account page, you can see all the information about it: the signal provider, broker he uses for trading, currency, fees, and many more. You can see the description of each fee if you point the arrow to it.
Below you can see the statistics of the account. Here, as well, you can point to a parameter and the system will show you the description.
Under the chart, you will see the section with the trades.
After you decided to subscribe to the account, press the Follow Trades button.
Currently, Genesis Vision offers internal copy trading for the Genesis Markets traders and external copy trading for the Binance traders. Below we will describe both types:
1. Copy trading for Genesis Markets.
If you chose a manager who uses GM for the signal providing, you will see one of these two windows:
The first one will appear if you don't have a trading account yet. The system will help you to create one. Choose the wallet to invest in your trading account, type the amount, and press "Next".
The second one will appear if you already have a trading account. Choose the one you prefer and press "Next".
Now you need to choose the type of subscription type and the tolerance percentage.
There are three types of subscription on GV:
By balance. When choosing this subscription, the volume of the position opened is proportional to the trading account balance of the leader and the follower. For example, Provider balance = 100 USD, he opens a trade with a volume of 10 USD. Subscriber balance = 20 USD, this means it will open the position for the same asset but with a volume of 5 times lower which is 2 USD.
Percentage. When you choose this subscription, you set the volume percentage of the Provider’s opened position that the subscription will copy. Meaning if the Provider has opened a trade for 100 USD while the percentage the Subscriber has set is 30%, it will open the trade on the Subscriber trade account for 30 USD.
Fixed. By choosing this subscription type, the positions will open only for the fixed amount that the Subscriber has set in the USD equivalent field when subscribing to the signal program/trading account. It does not depend on the size of the trade of the provider.
The tolerance percentage is the maximum possible deviation of the trade price from 0% to 20%. This means if you set it to 0% for the chosen subscription type, the trade must open at the exact same price as the provider’s trade. If a subscriber's price at the moment of the opening is worse than the original trade price for more than the set Tolerance percentage, the trade won’t be opened.
After all the parameters are chosen click "Subscribe". Now you are subscribed to the Follow account. You can see your subscription both on the Follow account page you are subscribed to and on your trading account page which holds the subscription. You can edit the terms of your subscription or cancel it there.
If you decide to cancel the subscription, press the Unfollow button and choose the type of closing the trades that are opened at the moment.
Types of closing the trades:
- Close only. The new trades will stop opening, and the remaining open trades are closed when the Provider closes their trades.
- Close all immediately. The signal provider subscription gets canceled, and all the opened trades are closed immediately.
- Manual closing. You unsubscribe from the signal provider, but all the opened trades stay open. The Subscriber can close the open trades manually at any time. This means when the Provider closes their trades they will not be closed on the Subscribers trading account.
After you choose the closing type, press the Submit button. Your subscription is canceled now.
2. Copy trading for Binance.
If you choose a manager who trades on Binance, you will also have two options: attach your external Binance account or choose one if you have already attached your external Binance account before. If you don't have a Binance account yet, please open one following the instructions here.
To attach your Binance account you will need an API key and API secret with the trading rights. Read how to find them here.
You will also need to choose the subscription type and the tolerance percentage. The types are the same:
By balance. When choosing this subscription, the volume of the position opened is proportional to the trading account balance of the leader and the follower. For example, Provider balance = 100 USD, he opens a trade with a volume of 10 USD. Subscriber balance = 20 USD, this means it will open the position for the same asset but with a volume of 5 times lower which is 2 USD.
Percentage. When you choose this subscription, you set the volume percentage of the Provider’s opened position that the subscription will copy. Meaning if the Provider has opened a trade for 100 USD while the percentage the Subscriber has set is 30%, it will open the trade on the Subscriber trade account for 30 USD.
Fixed. By choosing this subscription type, the positions will open only for the fixed amount that the Subscriber has set in the USD equivalent field when subscribing to the signal program/trading account. It does not depend on the size of the trade of the provider.
The tolerance percentage is the maximum possible deviation of the trade price from 0% to 20%. This means if you set it to 0% for the chosen subscription type, the trade must open at the exact same price as the provider’s trade. If a subscriber's price at the moment of the opening is worse than the original trade price for more than the set Tolerance percentage, the trade won’t be opened.
After all the parameters are chosen click "Subscribe". Now you are subscribed to the Follow account. You can see your subscription both on the Follow account page you are subscribed to, and on your trading account page which holds the subscription. You can edit the terms of your subscription or cancel it there.
The terms of cancellation of the Binance Follow account differ from the GM Follow account. There is only one type of closing trades available - manual closing.
Press the Submit button and your subscription will be canceled.