First of all, you need to choose a Fund to invest in. For that follow to the Funds' page.

On the Funds' page, you can find the ratings for the best Funds, and also you can check the GV Funds Weekly Challenge winner. Every Thursday we announce the most profitable Fund for the week.

On the Fund page, you can see the manager of the Fund, the assets he added to the Fund, strategy fees, and many more. 

If you press on any asset, you will see the description of it and the chart.

Below you can see the statistics and the chart to have an idea about the manager's performance. If you point the arrow to a parameter, you will see a description.

Below you can find the structure of the Fund which shows the proportions of the assets in it and the history of the Fund. It will show when the Fund has been rebalanced and all the investments and withdrawals.

When you decide to invest in a Fund, press the Invest button. Check the fees before that to be sure they are acceptable for you. 

You will see a window where you need to choose the wallet to invest from, the amount, and click the Confirm button. The investments to a Fund are accepted immediately. You can also exit the Fund anytime, the exit fee will be taken in this case.

Happy investing!